Young people are using mood-altering substances at younger and younger ages. Persistent substance abuse among youth is often accompanied by a variety of problems, including school-related difficulties, health problems, poor family relationships, mental health problems, and run-ins with the justice system. There are also significant consequences affecting the community and society at large. Studies show that using drugs at a young age increases the desire to abuse them as you get older. Society considers drugs a taboo, which is the norm for our country. However, other countries see drug use as a way to connect with oneself and others in another realm. Now, whether drug use is harmless or harmful is a matter of personal preference. Your brain controls virtually everything you do, even while you sleep. When drugs enter the brain, the substance can disturb the organ and change the way the brain carries out its functioning tasks. These changes are what lead to an ongoing craving for drugs or addiction. The signals that a drug sends to the brain are confused with those of a euphoric chemical called dopamine, which makes you feel good. After repeated use of drugs, in most cases the brain becomes damaged and irreparable. Teenagers are more prone to addiction because their brains are not yet fully developed. The brain's lack of maturity gives health specialists the theory that using drugs in later life reduces the chances of addiction. Cannabis sativa or marijuana is a very debatable topic as to its usefulness or harmfulness. Several states have legalized the use of cannabis for recreational and medical use! Marijuana contains THC, a chemical with a similar structure to the brain chemical anandam...... middle of paper ......ision are contributors to youth substance abuse. As you say in class “the brain is not fully developed until the age of 25” so you are likely to make stupid decisions. Having an immature mind leaves room for error, and persuasion to try something from friends can seem "in or cool." According to the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, stress, boredom and extra money were extreme factors in teen drug abuse. To prevent youth drug use, communities provide programs to educate parents and children. Teens who are involved in the community and sports are more likely not to take drugs. Coming from someone who has had issues with substance abuse, it is extremely difficult to overcome a problem. However, having the support of family and friends is what gives most people the encouragement to overcome their addiction.