Life of Marianne MooreMarianne Moore was born November 15, 1887 in Kirkwood, Missouri. Her father, who was an engineer, had a nervous breakdown before she was born and was hospitalized before she could meet him. Moore lived with his mother, brother, and grandfather in Missouri until his grandfather's death in 1894. Moore's mother briefly moved the family to Pittsburgh and then to Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Moore attended Metzger Institute through high school and then enrolled at Bryn Mawr College in 1905. At Bryn Mawr Moore published poetry in two of the school's literary magazines: Tipyn O'Bob and Lantern. He majored in history, law, and politics and graduated in 1909. After graduation, Moore took secretarial courses at Carlisle Commercial College and then taught accounting, shorthand, typing, business English, and law. [i]In 1915 Moore began publishing poetry professionally. Moore first published seven poems in Egoist, a London magazine edited by Hilda Doolittle. Four poems were published in Poetry: A Magazine of Verse. Five of his poems have been published in Others. In 1916 Moore moved with his mother to Chatham, New Jersey, to live with his brother, who was a Presbyterian minister. When he joined the Navy in 1918, Moore and his mother moved to Manhattan. It was during this period that he became friends with other artists such as Alfred Kreymborg, the photographer Alfred Stieglitz, the poets Wallace Stevens and William Carlos Williams. HD, TS Eliot and Ezra Pound also respected her. In 1920 Moore's work began to appear in the illustrious pro-modernist magazine, The Dial. From 1921 to 1925 Moore worked as an assistant in the Hudson Park branch of the...... middle of paper ......] Marianne Moore Chronology, html[xiv] EngelWorks CitedBooks: Elizabeth W. Joyce, Cultural Critique and Abstraction (London: Associated University Press 1998) Charles Molesworth, Marianne Moore: A Literary Life. (New York: Atheneum Publishing Company, 1990) Websites: Elaine Oswald and Robert L. Gale, On the Life and Career of Marianne Moore, (Modern American Poetry). F. Engel, Marianne Moore, (Heath Online Instructor's Guide), April 13, 2004. /english/heath/syllabuild/iguide/moore.htmlMarianne Moore, (Academy of American Poets) April 13, 2004.;Marianne Moore Chronology, http:/ / /