School Choice and Charter Schools I'm not so sure I'm for or against the idea of school choice as much as the idea of educational equality. If school choice and charter schools are how this country is going to achieve equity in schools, then I am for school choice. I have a feeling that the poor will not get the best education available in their area. If the town fifteen miles away is a much better school, both educationally and developmentally, then I believe that the student who attends school A should have the opportunity to attend school B. Why would someone who was born into a disadvantaged family expected to live a disadvantaged life? life? This child did not choose to be born into this family, so I believe we should give them some sort of choice in their life. A good education, along with other assets that can be achieved through education, is the answer to improving your life. It gives these children the choice to create a different life for themselves and their children. I'm not so sure there is an ideal school choice program, but does it really need to exist? Choice is a choice. If I am given the opportunity to choose, I will most likely make the right decision or correct the mistake I made. If people are given the opportunity to improve their lives, they will seize this opportunity, if they are intelligent. We, as agents of change, have no responsibility to hold the hands of those who do not take the bull by the horns! There is only so much people can do for others. Give them the choice, and they will take it well, and if they don't, what else can we do. I think the only responsibility of change agents is to inform the public of their choices. Let the public know what's out there and what the benefits are for school choice. Most people will wonder why they should bother transporting their children to a school that may be a little further away than their neighborhood school. I think it's also very important to give lots of choices. I think it would be a mistake to limit students to certain schools.