Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was a cartoon horror story written by Marsha Hatfield. They made a story about a doctor who drank potions from another side of his body. The other side of his body was obviously none other than Mr. Hyde. Potion drinking got to the point where Mr. Hyde would control Dr. Jekyll's body and he would not be able to control it. Mr. Hyde would cause chaos in his body and land him in trouble. At first he only drank 2 potions to control it, but then it got to the point where he added another potion and overdosed. He died in his study. Marsha championed the horror genre by making Mr. Hyde seem very creepy, and it got to the point where the potion drinking went too far to the point where he died. She created a very strange atmosphere for herself and for the readers. He let them think about this story or why he created the potions in the first place. Even the setting where Mr. Hyde would arrive made it disturbing because it was different. Also, Mr. Hyde was very mean to everyone and to Dr. Jekyll