Sex work and the law: a critical analysis of four policy approaches to adult prostitution Frances Shaver discusses the need for change for women who work as prostitutes. Shaver explains the current problem of prostitution in Canada and provides four possible ways to solve the problem in his work. Three well-thought-out points Shaver writes about are the health and personal safety benefits for women in the sex industry. It also touches on the decriminalization of prostitution and the impact it will have on nearby neighborhoods and residents, as well as a few other topics. While Shaver discusses important areas, he leaves out some particular parts of concern, such as issues related to minors involved in the sex industry, as well as men and women who are involuntarily placed into prostitution, also known as human trafficking. While Shaver touches on extremely well thought out points and provides a solution to address Canada's prostitution problem, he fails to delve into some important issues that should also be discussed when discussing the decriminalization of prostitution. Providing different approaches to the ongoing problem of prostitution in Canada is a difficult topic because there are different positives and negatives to each side of the issue. Throughout Shaver's article, he delves deeply into the lives of PWSIs and the different struggles they endure every day. Shaver begins his article by discussing the ways in which Canada has worked to bring better legislation to the sex work industry. By changing the laws in Canada this could help address the many struggles women in the sex industry endure on a daily basis. Shaver highlights four main approaches… half of the paper… age, risk and prostitution policy. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 20(3), 270-295.Frances, S. (2012). Sex work and the law: A critical analysis of four policy approaches to adult prostitution. Thinking about justice: A book of readings (pp. 190-220). Halifax, NS: Fernwood Pub..Mcclain, NM and Garrity, S.E. (2011). Sex trafficking and exploitation of adolescents. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, 40(2), 243-252.Menaker, T. A., & Franklin, C. A. (2013). Commercially sexually exploited girls and participants' perceptions of culpability: Examining the effects of victimization history and race disclosure. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 28(10), 2024-2051.Murphy, L. S. (2010). Understand the social and economic contexts surrounding women engaged in street prostitution. Issues in mental health nursing, 31(12), 775-784.