Topic > Impact of Cartoons on Children's Behavior - 1505

Impact of Cartoons on Children's Behavior Television programs aimed at children, such as cartoons, can influence them in both positive and negative ways. I examined a variety of cartoons on both commercial and public television to observe the content of children's programming and determine the effects, both positive and negative, that the programs have on children. Cartoons contain a wide variety of topics that can affect children in many different ways. I have found that most cartoons choose to use violence and inappropriate subject matter to entertain children. These images and stories can have a huge negative impact on children because violence is rewarded without consequences, it is glorified and idealized. Children look up to characters who have a negative impact by distorting their views on conflict resolution. There are, however, cartoons that contain little or no violence and often seek to incorporate educational lessons regarding values ​​and morals that are important for children to learn, thus having a positive impact. “Dragon Ball Z” is an example of a cartoon that has a negative effect on children due to the use of violence. This particular episode aired on Thursday, October 18, 2001 on a public television station in High Point, North Carolina. The show introduced a group of terrifying monsters who were considered the bad guys. Their bodies were different sizes and colors and were shown in a large dark prison surrounded by lightning. The good guys were a group of 5 humans who were the main characters. They were seen as heroic and strong and their main goal was to find and defeat evil monsters. Both sides have plotted against each other and are looking for... middle of paper... a character like a hero or victor with no consequences for violent actions and make violence seem fun and entertaining. There are also cartoons that do not contain inappropriate conflicts. These cartoons influence children in a positive way by addressing issues of friendship, sharing and creativity. Cartoons contain a wide variety of topics and deal with issues of harmful violence and constructive values ​​and, therefore, can influence children in both positive and negative ways. Works Cited Teperman, Jean. “Toxic Lessons: What Do Children Learn from Media Violence?” Children's Advocate news magazine. Online. Accessed October 23, 2001.American Psychological Association. "Violence on television. What do children learn? What can parents do?" APA online. Accessed October 23, 2001.