What can I do for you? I want you to know My heart is yours It's not a question of what can you do for me, but what can I do for you? These texts communicate a principle that can help our daily lives with those around us: altruism. So many people get into life just to see how much they can profit from it. But how does this help society? It does nothing but drive away the already rampant greed. Many people attend churches or take part in other religious activities seeking to satisfy their need for a higher cause or social betterment, adopting the values they are taught but often refusing to put them into practice, instead simply settling for the dream of a better world. But the real answer to the question is another question: what can I do for you? If everyone, including me, could only grasp the true meaning of all that can be accomplished with this attitude, the world could be a better place. But the images of utopia are easier to suffer than to live, coordinating all this would be impossible, being so altruistic is difficult. However, the fact remains that a lot could be accomplished if everyone could do just a little. For many, however, this is simply too much and they continue to live as social parasites, sucking the existence out of those who sacrifice themselves for the good of all..