IntroductionThesis: Deregulation has more negative than positive effects on the global economy. Deregulation, you hear this word in the news, economists use this word quite often and government officials are a little terrified of this word. What does deregulation mean? Deregulation is the process by which a government can remove or reduce certain business restrictions to make markets work more efficiently. By looking at the effects that deregulation can cause on an economy, one can help subsequent generations not to make the same mistakes made by past or current generations. In today's global economy, being regulated by the government is the norm. Companies in a very competitive industry are limited in how much they can grow and how low they can drop prices. For example, in 1800 Andrew Carnegie created an unregulated monopoly. By lowering prices he made others unable to compete with him. In this way Andrew Carnegie drove others out of the steelmaking industry. When one person not only has control over a specific area but is the sole supplier of this item, it is called a monopoly. Nowadays the government regulates actions like those mentioned above. What can happen if the government lets go of some of these regulations? Will businesses prosper by harming ordinary people? Will deregulation help foment another depression? Will the environment be harmed while people benefit from their selfish desires? These questions will be discussed later in the document. Around the world, governments are giving big companies a lot of leeway or deregulation. In Russia, for example, the government has deregulated laws related to the electricity sector. Railways and municipal services are also something that has recently been deregulated by the government. Both of these goals required the development of better technologies and better, more efficient ways of using energy. Better ways to transport people. At the same time this may have caused unrest in the business sector. Control by a large corporation can cause a kind of monopoly. The cost and prices of transportation and electricity can be controlled by a large company. Can this be positive or negative? Deregulation in the natural gas sector is imposed by the EU (European Union) and the United States. It is indeed a global economy in which one action can influence the entire world. Let's consider the United States in the performance of S&Ls (Savings and Loans).