Every year over 100 million animals are burned, paralyzed, poisoned and abused in US laboratories. Animals as small as mice and as large as chimpanzees that grow to be the equivalent of an adult human. These creatures do not have defense mechanisms like they would in the wild or even in a sanctuary. They are tied up, shoved into cages and stripped away from any form of happiness that may be afforded to them. All this is done for the sake of medical research or, even worse, for cosmetic testing. “Animal testing for cosmetic or medical research should be banned because most diseases are unique to humans” (Tatchell). Many countries have already banned the testing of products on animals and many medical attempts and experiments have failed miserably. A dog is a dog and not a human, so how could it have been logical to test on dogs and rodents centuries ago, there is no reason to do it now, with all the medical and technological advances we have made overall for testing on the products. Different species react differently to different drugs. That said, repeatedly testing a human drug on a dog expecting better results is absolutely foolish. “In 1989, researchers at the pharmaceutical giant Merck, Sharp & Dohme (MSD) were working on a promising protease drug. Development was going well until scientists decided to test the new therapy on dogs and rats. They are all dead” (Tatchell). If a disease affects only a human, testing on a dog will interfere with the success of a drug. Animal testing could prove very successful, and when human testing begins, the drug will have the potential to kill the human test subject. The fact that animal testing is torturous and cruel may be why... half of the paper ......te having been declared safe after 7 years of animal research” (Tatchell). The fact is that animal testing should be banned because different species have different reactions to drugs. This is probably the most important reason why other countries have already banned animal testing, other than the fact that most of them fail miserably. The easiest way to help these animals is to become aware and simply look to see if the products you use have been tested on animals. You may lose some of your favorite brands, but it will be worth it when animal testing is eradicated and these animals can be saved by families, not "adopted" by research facilities to make their lives miserable. Put yourself in that poor animal's shoes, would you like to be paralyzed and have your freedom taken away to test products to make someone pretty? Nobody would do it. Not even animals.